Post by BRR on Aug 24, 2013 0:36:15 GMT -5
There has been conflicting reports on the J-11D; some say it's a reduced RCS version while some say that it is simply a minor upgrade of earlier aircraft.
Can you shed some light on it?
Post by huitong on Aug 24, 2013 11:21:15 GMT -5
Currently the exact upgrades on J-11D is still unclear. However since it has been compared against F/A-18E, which, in addition to AESA, does have a limited stealth capablity. Therefore, a J-11D without any stealth measure can hardly be considered a real match to F/A-18E or F-15SE. Limited stealth does have its value, otherwise Boeing and GD were just wasting their time and money, weren't they? ;D So, if J-11D turns out not having any stealth upgrades, there has to be a follow-on J-11E design which will have.
Post by BRR on Aug 24, 2013 18:37:14 GMT -5
Currently the exact upgrades on J-11D is still unclear. However since it has been compared against F/A-18E, which, in addition to AESA, does have a limited stealth capablity. Therefore, a J-11D without any stealth measure can hardly be considered a real match to F/A-18E or F-15SE. Limited stealth does have its value, otherwise Boeing and GD were just wasting their time and money, weren't they? ;D So, if J-11D turns out not having any stealth upgrades, there has to be a follow-on J-11E design which will have. So it's reasonable to expect the J-11D to have stuff like conformal fuel tanks, canted vertical stabilizers, etc, then?
Post by huitong on Aug 24, 2013 19:56:34 GMT -5
The chance of J-11D having those fancy stuff is about 50/50. If not it would be an F/A-18C+.
Post by BRR on Aug 25, 2013 1:45:51 GMT -5
The chance of J-11D having those fancy stuff is about 50/50. If not it would be an F/A-18C+. Any opinion on this article? 超大资讯证实歼11D预计在2014年首飞,属于空军立项的短平快项目。 pupu日落说过11D项目早就存在,因为11B、BS出现的问题,11D曾经被束之高阁。目前重启11D项目,明年首飞,进度很快。同为三代半重型空优战斗机,大面积引进苏35的说法和快速研制11D的项目,必然有所冲突。兔子未来三代半重型空优战斗机的布局有点扑朔迷离。 1. 歼11D与歼20、粽子、10B、16无论在时间上和定位上都无冲突,从11D牵扯其他国产战斗机的讨论没有必要。不要扯功能重复,因为三代半重型空优战斗机对兔子不可或缺;也不要扯服役时间晚,因为到2020年,兔子都还有大量二代机和三代退役机需要替换。笔者认为,歼11D研制成功与否和实际战斗力,按道理只和引进苏35的时间和数量有关系。 笔者认为兔子在2015年引进一到两个团的苏35应急,如果研制顺利,到2018年后空军换装歼11D形成三代半重型空优大机群。如果11D研制不顺利或者性能不达标,继续引进苏35作为主战装备,11D可能被压缩甚至砍掉。(航电升级版11B,进度应该可以保证了,但是对苏35的替代性弱了,如果苏35好买,偶估计空军还是希望引进一定数量苏35的) 2. 空军立项研制11D,并且进度飞快,如果不是为了谈判苏35虚晃一枪(可能性不大),那至少说明空军对601和沈飞有信心,他们可能通过11B的问题和15、16的研制,已经基本完全攻克27系的结构和气动问题,对改进航电、材料甚至隐身结构有信心。这个是长期困扰CDER的裤衩问题。(超大更新主帖,11D是11B的航电飞控升级版,没有气动和结构的改进,这样看11D研制服役难度不大,601和SF的研发能力也没有面临新的大幅度挑战) 3. 11D形成高性能最大的障碍还是来自于发动机。由于众所周知的原因,11D用毛发的可能性极低。最大的可能性选择是太行B,然而太行今年好像在某新型飞机试飞过程中又出现双发停车的问题。不过幸好11D的定型应该还有几年时间,这给动力成熟提供了一定的时间窗口。不管这么说,发动机将会是11D形成高性能的要素中最大的拦路虎。 4. 歼11D的研制,无论如何对空军引进苏35的谈判应该有很大帮助。pupu爆料说苏35谈判非常艰苦。(上航电升级版11B,也许说明购买苏35的难度比预想中的更大) 5. 歼11D的定位应该是美帝研制的沉默鹰,三代半加局部隐身设计。与苏35相比,应该隐身性能和BVR能力更强,由于发动机原因,机动性和近距格斗能力更弱。(超大主帖改变,11D只是11B的航电飞控升级版,看来11D和苏35还有不小的差距啊!) 6. 兔子未来的空军配置方式越来越接近于美帝 四代重型空优战斗机:歼20vsF22 四代中重型多功能战斗机:粽子改vs肥电 三代半重型空优战斗机:歼11D/苏35vsF15C改进型 三代半中型空优战斗机:歼10BvsF16改进型 三代+多用途战斗机:歼16vsF15E;歼10CvsF16C/D 现役三代战斗机:苏27sk、歼11A、歼11B、歼11BS、歼10A/AS。 盼星星盼月亮,等待2020年,空军三代四代全系列战斗机格局形成的那一天。。。